An octogonal pedestal carved of gleaming blue ice stands here. On top of the pedestal is a dark violet crystal- a perfect icosahedron with a sinister glow. A green mist swirls around the pedestal and seems to take various forms only to dissolve back into mist again. It appears to examine the party and then floats aside allowing you to reach the crystal. * As the last of the foreign words leave your lips the entire temple is flooded with light and a powerful voice conquers your mind. 'The White Knights created an Orb of great power. It was capable of acting as a catalyst between the Ancients and mortals. I am the last of the Ancients that Malifon believes are all dead. The Imprison spell that we cast on Malifon has worn weak with time and with outside help he has broken it and unless he is bound again he will sweep Ymros clean of life to act as his home. Through the Orb I can give you the power to renew his binding. It lies in the Vault of the White Knights Northeast of the desert guarded by Kalek-Zin -the greatest of the Knights. He can surely be persuaded to give the Orb to you Once you have the Orb return to me here and I will grant you the powers of the Gods. The Ancient has spoken.' The light fades * The voice of the Ancient One speaks to you. 'You have done well. With the Orb I may now transfer some of my power to one of you. I offer to make one of you a God. 'The power of the Ancient ones lies in the God Runes. Two spells it allows you to cast in Camp are Uncurse and Imprison 'In order to keep Malifon from communicating mentally to the natives near the volcano we found it necessary to put a curse upon the land around it. This is done through the three crimson glyphs.